Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Congratulations to Joey!

Wanted to do a quick post and congratulate Joey (Ashley's hubby) on his Associates of Science Degree as a Pharmacy Technician. He and his folks will be on their way on Thursday with the houshold items to St. George and Ashley is on her way right now with her car loaded along with the dog and kitten. She has been coming back and forth for the last month and a half to get things packed and ready to go and for Joey's graduation this past Friday. We are certainly going to miss having them close by, but it's only a four hour or so drive, and as long as Nathan works for the airlines and we have benefits to fly, it's only an hour away. Eventually, Joey hopes to get a degree as a Pharmacist and his goal down the road is to have a specialty in Nuclear Pharmacuticals. He does plan on starting school to get his Pharmacist degree in the near future once they get somewhat settled. I am very proud of both of them!


  1. It is something to be proud of huh? Well, Izee and Ayce were terrible car buddies for me today--this was by far the worst drive to St. George for me with them and a load of boxes.

    You tell Nathan he is not allowed to quit! You have to come here at least once a month!

    See you Friday! Love you tons!


  3. Congrats to Joey! Hope all your hopes and dreams come true for a wonderful future down there in the 'Land of HOTT'.
