Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Poem by Diana - Her First!

by Diana C. Sprankle

Outdoors, outdoors
It is a nice day outdoors.

The flowers are blooming
The bees are buzzing.

Outdoors, outdoors
It is a nice day to play outdoors.

Diana came over to Grammy's house tonight and I was showing her some things on my blog. She proceded to tell me that in her reading group the other day they were reading a story about a young boy who was trying to write a poem. He kept trying and trying but ended up crumpling up several pieces of paper in to balls and throwing them in the garbage can. He decided to go do his math and spelling homework. Then he decided to try and write his poem again after dinner. Afterwards, his sister came to his room and asked him if he needed help with his homework and he told her he was already finished with it. Then he said he needed to finish writing his poem. His sister then asked what he wanted it to be about. He responded by telling her that was the problem. He couldn't decide. After a while and with some help from his sister, he was able to finish it. When Diana's class finished reading the story on the second day, one of the other kids asked if they could write a poem. The teacher said "no, not today", however the next day she said "yes". After thinking about it, Diana decided she wanted to write her poem about the outdoors. This is what she came up with. She did pretty good for it being her first, don't you think? Good job Diana!