She's a WiNnEr ! ! !
Back in March, Diana's 4th grade class had a science project to do. Aunt Ashley helped her decide what she was going to do after thinking of different possibilities. As you can see from the picture (I wished the whole board was visible, but it wasn't) the subject was "Blowing Bubbles" and at which temperature did the bubbles last the longest. They had a 'purpose', 'hyposthesis' and 'conclusion'. I helped with a few of the experiments and the financing and of course, Grammy (me) got stuck blowing the bubbles that were heated. My nose could feel the warmth of the hot bubbles, believe me! The solution was straight out of the microwave. After the numerous experiments, Diana concluded that although the hot bubbles were easier to blow (the solution was in three different bowls, and we were blowing bubbles through a straw), they popped more quickly. The room temperature bubbles were in between, but it was the cold bubbles that lasted the longest. It all came down to Diana winning 2nd place for her project. Pictured on her board is the red ribbon she won. She and Ashley had a lot of fun taking pictures of Diana blowing the bubbles and putting the board together, and we all had a good time doing the experiments. Ashley spent a lot of her time with Diana, and thanks to her, Diana learned something from doing the project. We were very proud of her because she had to present her project to the judges and explain the whole sha-bang to them. Contratulations Diana (and Aunt Ashley) for your accomplishment!
How cute... Great Job Diana.... I will have to remember that one!!
ReplyDeleteGreat Job, Diana...{and Aunt Ashley}. It never would have popped into my head to do a project about BUBBLES! Who would know that the quality of the bubble is dependent on the temperature? I've learned something new.
ReplyDeleteIt was alot of fun but even more work. Mom, do you know what hypothesis is? LOL...i am not sure how many times i explained that very question to Diana and how many times I asked her to repeat it before she actually got it. I am proud of her for being able to explain how she did her project--it was quiet a accomplishment for her. Good Job Diana--We had fun and learned alot! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea for a science project!! I will have to keep that one in mind for when Casey needs one (if you don't mind:)