Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's the Hap-Happiest Time Of The Year ! ! !

What a fun time we had at our Christmas party at the office last Tuesday, the 16th! In fact,…I think everybody had a great time. The food was good,….the games were fine and the Christmas music put us in the mood. Our Director read my poem. I had added four lines to it since posting it the first time to include the education department of HR. My boss loved the poem and so did everybody else. We had an “ugliest Christmas sweater” contest and guess who won! Yes folks, it was ME! I went shopping at the “Deseret Industries” and “Savers” for a sweater I could use but could not find one. I used one of my old sweaters that was too big for me and was pretty gross looking. I loved the sweater at one time but would not wear it again because it was too old and had a couple of holes in it. I added a lot more. I made and then whipped stitched a snowman on to the one side of it and put buttons in the appropriate places for the eyes and nose and the three buttons down the front of him, and,…I put a black hat on him of course. It was Ashley’s idea to make it a “tilting” snowman. And boy! was he tilting! I rubbed the white part of the snowman until he had lint balls and ickies all over him. The sweater had lint balls all over it along with other stuff like imbedded dog hair along with other things. I also buttoned it up crooked for the party so it would look that much uglier. I must say, it did the trick! Here is a picture of the sweater. Like I said, it was a lot of fun and now we can just look forward to the holidays! Goodnight all !


  1. I like that sweater. And now it has historic value. Send it FOR SALE at an antique never know. Maybe it will win you more than just a title.

  2. I was wondering if we'd see a pix of the sweater-and I think this would happen to most snowmen if you "rubbed the white part of the snowman until he had lint balls and ickies all over him"! Kinda naughty...
