Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving From Our House To Your's

Double click to read the poemThis is the time of year when we reflect upon the past eleven months and count each and every one of our blessings. As I look back on this last year I have seen many changes, .... some not so good. But as we live each day, one day at a time and think about what we have, and not just the material things, we can thank our Heavenly Father for the opportunity we have to live in this great country of ours. We have so many good and wonderful people out there that protect us and fight for our freedom every day. They should not go unnoticed. Please give thanks for the sacrifice they make for us and remember their families in your prayers and that their loved ones will come home safe and sound. Don't forget that we as Americans have a lot to be thankful for. We have the greatest gift of all , and that is our freedom.

I am thankful for my mother whom I love very much. I am thankful for my husband and what he does every day for me and the love he shows me continually (even tho' he makes me mad sometimes, and he can be very annoying!), it is great to be married to your best friend and the one you do fun things with. I am thankful for my three children and the love they show me every single day in one way or another. And their spouses,.....thank you for what you do to show the love and support that you do. I am very thankful for my grand-daugther and the joy she brings in to my life. I'm greatful for my three sisters and Sue and the love they show to me in so many ways. And to my mother-in-law and Dave's sisters and their families and all the rest of my extended family, I love you all! To all my friends that read my posts,...thank you for your love and friendship. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I love you, too, Nettie and wish for you and your family all the best. You are so correct about the blessings that go unnoticed, that we take for granted. May we all show more gratitude to those around us and to those unseen but ever present.

    I really like your new format. Very nice!!
